At the sound of the cocks dutiful crow
My grateful soul awakes
And is immediately captivated by the smell of the morn’s fresh dew
My eyes open up to behold the sun’s most definite light
My lips twitch in soft smiles
As its rays peek through sheer blinds
And the gentle breeze blowing on me
Causes a rush of blood beneath my soft skin
I get out from under my covers to embrace the beauty of nature,
The one deep rooted in the principle behind the uniqueness of creation
A few steps towards my window,
I pull my curtains apart
And I am welcomed with newness
One that blusters from the highest mountains
My eyes are closed as I soak in this sensation
It tilts me so I rest totally on my heels…and then back on my feet
Very refreshed from the feeling
I lift my head above my eye level
And In a suggestive look into the sky
I see the glorious skillful kings of the air as they hover over the horizon
Diving through the clouds at unbelievably calculated speeds and velocities
Knowing, dominating, owning their liberty
Left, right, center and all about
Air shows and expert pilots
Moving afore my minds gaze at about ninety degrees
Are the terrestrial lords
Dashing, hopping, jumping on the spears of greens
Around, in between and atop trunks and branches
Canopies swaying and leaves clapping
To windy rhythms, chatterings, echos and whispers
Breathtaking surprises of color
Complimenting and accentuating back and foregrounds
Not to be forgotten were the Water nobles
Gliding effortlessly in the bluegreens
Twirling and spinning in the saltiness of the ocean
Tadpoles wiggling, lilies spreading and floating
In the freshness of the lakes and ponds
One last cardinal look in my inner vision...and it was all before me
The Wonders of God’s awesomeness
And the awful lot of power held up in the name of the one who created it all!
Yours Truly